Monday, January 21, 2019

The Lord, who reinstates

Mk. 10: 36-40
The Lord, who reinstates

V. 39: “Then Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be batized…”
Discipleship demands right perception
Verbs like “to see”, “to hear” and “to comprehend” do represent some important dimensions of being a disciple. The experience of discipleship becomes meaningful when the called out disciples possess the right vision, hearing and comprehension. It is required to live a life in tune with the dynamics of God’s kingdom. Disciples are called to maintain the right perspectives and understanding that may help them to be the servants of the kingdom always. But very many times they fail to grasp the gravity of their call and this makes Jesus to scold them for not being able to see, hear and comprehend properly (Mk. 8:18,21). When the framework for understanding and perceiving the realities are set by the exploitative and coercive values of the imperial Rome disciples need to depend on a different framework characterized by the will and love of God for the world.

Discipleship demands solidarity with Jesus’ cup and baptism
The disciples appear confused as their demand for right and left seats of the glorified Jesus shows. They are not at all able to see Christ’s glorification in connection with his inevitable passion. Their modality of perceiving Jesus’ glory is no different from the way it is understood by the tyrant lords of Palestine’s neighborhoods. Rome had divided the bodies of people into two categories namely the honestiores (Noble) and humiliores (lay or ordinary). It was “normal” in such a context for anyone to long for the life of a noble like John and James. But Jesus had warned them regarding this danger (10:42-43).

Discipleship in dependence on reinstating grace
Disciples as led by Jesus are heading towards Jerusalem, the seat of religious and political power. Jesus foretells the torture, dispersal and eventual death that are to befall on them (9:31, 10:33). Jesus knew that to remain in the path of obedience to abba God, his disciples were in need of grace in abundance. The last Supper is an occasion, where this becomes crystal clear. Disciples need grace from God to stand in solidarity with Jesus resisting the possible scattering. And it is the grace that searches after the sinners and failed that gather them together after the resurrection. The confidence of a disciple is drawn from this knowledge of perennially reinstating grace.

Dear God, Sustain us by your grace to stand in solidarity with the passion of Your Son Jesus and to see things as he has seen. Amen

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