Fall: Deviation from the Purpose of Creation
Matthew 7: 15-23
‘Fall’ is falling from the creator’s expectations
The Western Medieval Theology of ‘fall’
had fixed the ensuing missiological and ministerial understandings of the
church around it's presumptions for so long. Those theologies focused more on the
biologically transmissible effects of the ‘fall’ of first human couple at Eden on rest of the human generation.
It emphasized the proposition that humanity is inherently sinful and fallen. In
this premise the church’s mission got framed as the repairing of the fallen
nature of humanity. It was more or less a defensive and negative approach to the human nature. Reading through Jesus’ teaching in this passage helps us to
have a different take on this subject. Jesus affirms the inherent potential of
every human being to bring out good fruits . A deliberate and careful nurture of those potentialities to take it to the fulfillment of creator's expectation of fruition is the call of every individual human creature. Therefore ‘fall’ and ‘sin’ are nothing but
falling from the expectations of the creator God.
Mission is nurturing the potentials to bring forth goodness
Jesus compares father God with a
benevolent gardener, who with utmost care and immense hope nourishes each and
every plant in the garden (John 15:1, Mt 15:13). Human life is expected to
reflect the glory of the creator and the mandate is to grow up as a good tree
bearing good fruit (vv. 18-19). But very many times the human race fails the
expectations of their creator by yielding to the destructive influences that
pretend to be divine (v.15). Our rootedness in God makes our life authentic and fruitful. The Eastern Church traditions see mission as the
equipping of the laity through worship and sacraments to stay connected to the lord of life and bear fruits in their
daily lives to become agents of God’s blessings for the world around. Each and
every individual is said to have the potential to manifest fruits reflecting the creator’s goodness. Do we, as the church, a people who realize this potential
to become a blessing for the world? Let us not deviate from the purposes of God
in us.
Gracious God, help us to bear fruits for
the stability of your kingdom and stay focused on your purposes for the
creation. Amen
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